December 2020 Community Buzz and Information:

SoFri Winter 2020 DNN Jeopardy
It's always fun to hang out with fiends in the community and test our knowledge of all things DNN! In tonights instance of DNN Jeopardy, we had Pete Goode, Steve , David Poindexter and returning champion Daniel Valadas. Watch the video and play at home to test your skills against tonight's contestants!
OR you can play the game yourself:
Watch the full meeting video for October's Southern Fried DNN Meeting
'Twas the Last SoFri Before Christmas
Ryan Moore finished the meeting with a dramatic reading for Christmas and the last meeting of the year. Inspired by the fun Christmas Carols and cheer that was penned back in the ole forums back in 2004 (! which you should go read, they're excellent! LINK Updated 12/19/2024 with Internet Archive WayBack Machine link to original:, Ryan quickly prepared a version of the fabled old tale for DNN winter 2020:
'Twas the last SoFri before Christmas, a rest for all of us
Not a developer was coding, not even prolific Daniel Valadas;
Pull requests, installs and triage were organized in GitHub with care,
In hopes that new updates soon would be there;
DNN Core team was still working on the DNN store,
and David Poindexter was working on skinning some more;
The developers were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of new file managers danced in their heads;
With Mitchell in charge and flying in the blue,
Had just settled down for a long code review,
Written by moon light, all of that new-rendered code
Gets us all excited and into New-Release mode,
When, what to our wondering eyes should appear,
But a promise of DNN 10 in the new year!
The SouthernFried DNN user group is here to give en-courage-ment,
And we all hope that 2021 is better by quite a good bit.
Thinking of the future we exclaim, "Make DNN 10 Out of Sight!",