What happened to the QCDUG domain?
Well, some time in November 2014, while we were all recovering from a great time had at the DNNCON, the domain name www.qcdug.com expired and was picked up by a dentist... who put up... a... wordpress site on the domain. It was something that none of us had a close eye on and we didn't realize it had expired!
What's in a name?
Well, that prompted some exciting discussion in our November user group meeting and by the time we celebrated for our Christmas party QCDUG meeting, we discussed at lengnth and resolved to make a choice that night.
"We're more than just the Queen City DNN user group... we're for all of NC, and SC, how about Carolinas DUG?" was one suggestion. That lead to additional ideas of reaching out to even more as another said, "How about South East DUG for the whole region?"
Charles Warnick chimed in, saying, "Everyone loved the Southern Fried DNN name, why don't we call ourselves Southern Fried DNN?" And the decision was instantaneous. Everyone loved the idea and the implications...
Southern Fried Hospitality, Southern Fried Community, Southern Fried DNN
We're more than just a Charlotte-area DNN User Group, we're YOUR user group. Wether you're in the South, from the south, or have that sense of home and community that centers around sharing with each other, you'll feel at home here.